Jessica Nwokike, previously a member of R&B duo VanJess, has embarked on a solo career under the name AMAKA, and has released her debut single “Cruisin.” The single, which has a party-ready groove, was produced by KAYTRANADA, with whom AMAKA previously collaborated as part of VanJess. In an interview with Rated R&B, AMAKA revealed that “Cruisin” was inspired by the passing of her father in 2021, and she wanted to write something empowering to help her overcome the loss. “Cruisin” is the first single from AMAKA’s forthcoming debut project, which is set to release later this year. The release of “Cruisin” comes two weeks after VanJess announced their disbandment, with Jessica Nwokike expressing her support for her sister’s decision and revealing her intention to continue creating music as a solo artist.
“Cruisin” marks a promising debut for AMAKA, showcasing her soulful vocals over KAYTRANADA’s signature production. The song has a funky, upbeat vibe that will have listeners grooving and singing along.
It’s clear that AMAKA has taken her experiences and emotions and channeled them into her music, resulting in a powerful and uplifting track. Fans can expect more of this personal touch on her upcoming debut project.
With her solo career off to a strong start, AMAKA is definitely one to watch in the R&B scene. It’s always exciting to see artists grow and evolve, and AMAKA is no exception. Fans can look forward to more great music from this talented artist in the future.
Listen to “Cruisin” on all major streaming platforms now.